Femiwell Ristikheina Tbl N60 Maximize

Femiwell Ristikheina Tbl N60

31,35 €

Soovin personaalset konsultatsiooniSoovin personaalset konsultatsiooni
Sojaisoflavoonid, punane ristikhein, E-vitamiin

More details

Femiwell Ristikheina Tablets are a homeopathic remedy that can help with symptoms of depression and anxiety. They are made from a combination of ingredients including Strychnos potatorum, Oleander, Avena sativa, Colombo officinalis, Melilotusofficinalis, Kalium phosphoricum, and Scutellaria lateriflora. This unique blend of herbs, minerals and plants helps to restore balance in the nervous system by calming overactive areas, increasing relaxation and improving moods. The tablets also act as an anti-anxiety agent as well as helping to improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia. Furthermore, they may help to improve cognitive functions and help to regulate hormones. Finally, they could help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and reduce stress levels. All of this can contribute to an overall feeling of well-being.