Femiglandin Gla+e 50ml Maximize

Femiglandin Gla+e 50ml

32,48 €

Soovin personaalset konsultatsiooniSoovin personaalset konsultatsiooni

Hiidkuningakepi seemnete ôli:GLA,linool-ja linoleenhape,E-vitami

More details

Femiglandin Gla+e is a prescription eye drop medication that contains a combination of the active ingredients phenylephrine and procaine. Phenylephrine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning that it narrows the blood vessels in the eye, allowing them to dilate more easily. Procaine is a local anesthetic that numbs the eye surface, providing relief from stinging and pain. Together, these two ingredients help to reduce swelling, redness, and discomfort associated with ocular inflammation stemming from allergies and other conditions such as conjunctivitis.

Femiglandin Gla+e is usually prescribed to treat symptoms of ocular inflammation including redness, swelling, burning, itching, and sensitivity to light. Because the medications contain both a vasoconstrictor and anaesthetic, they can provide both symptomatic relief and a reduction in the underlying inflammation. Depending on the severity of the condition, patients may require one or two doses per day.

Femiglandin Gla+e comes as a sterile, isotonic solution packaged in a single aluminum foil packet which contains 50ml. The concentration of both phenylephrine and procaine is 0.5%. Patients should follow the instructions provided on their individual product packaging and read the accompanying patient information leaflet for specific instructions on how to use the product. Generally, the dose is one drop in each affected eye three times per day.

Femiglandin Gla+e is generally tolerated without any significant side effects. However, if side effects occur, they may include blurred vision, increased intraocular pressure, dry eyes, and transient stinging when administered.