Põdrakanepiürt Maximize


2,06 €

Soovin personaalset konsultatsiooniSoovin personaalset konsultatsiooni
Põdrakanepiürt (Fimbristylis spicata), also known as Spiked Needle Grass, is a native grass found in the northern and central parts of Europe, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Estonia. It is a part of the grass family Cyperaceae and is an upright, rhizomatous, perennial grass. It can grow to about 20 centimeters high and typically has multiple flower heads that appear in early summer.The stem of Põdrakanepiürt is slender and smooth, with individual green spikes which produce a single, yellow-white flower head in summer. The leaves are flat, linear, and pointed at their ends, and they are usually arranged in sets of two. The clumps of plants form short but dense tufts and the plants can spread vegetatively by forming roots along their stems, adding new individual plants to the existing stand.Põdrakanepiürt is most useful as pasture and hay crop due to its deep, fibrous root system and ability to retain moisture, allowing it to thrive even during dry periods. The seeds can also be dried, ground, or processed and used to feed livestock animals or can be added to flour and baked goods. The leaves can be boiled, steamed, sautéed, or stir-fried for human consumption.Põdrakanepiürt prefers wet, low-nutrient soils and is commonly found growing in meadows, wetlands, and floodplains. It is not tolerant of drought, overgrazing, or mowing and will only thrive in well-drained soils in full sun. This species is also fast-growing, easily established, and long lived, so it has good potential as a successful low input, low cost addition to many pastures and hayfields.