Linaseemned Maximize


1,53 €

Soovin personaalset konsultatsiooniSoovin personaalset konsultatsiooni
Linseeds, also known as flax seeds, are small, golden-brown seeds that are high in natural oils and proteins. Commonly used as a whole food, they have been used throughout history in various cultures.Linseeds are a good source of dietary fiber, essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, lignans, and antioxidants. They are an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber and it helps to reduce cholesterol absorption in the gastrointestinal tract as well as other benefits added to heart health and overall digestive health. Linseeds also contain lignans which are polyphenolic phytonutrients with many components such as vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. They are also abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which act as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps reduce bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL).The healthiest way to consume and take advantage of their nutritional benefits is by eating them whole, rather than grinding them into flour/powder as processing can destroy some of the nutrients. Linseeds are highly versatile and are often added to salads, cereals, soups, breads and smoothies for extra flavor and nutrition. They are also used in traditional medicine for treating digestive ailments and constipation.