Köömen Maximize


3,81 €

Soovin personaalset konsultatsiooniSoovin personaalset konsultatsiooni
Köömen is a traditional Finnish smoked fish dish prepared with Baltic herring or whitefish. The most common type of köömen is made with herring and it is usually served cold with rye bread and butter, potatoes, and other accompaniments. The smoking process begins with the herring being cleaned and salt-cured to preserve its shape and texture. This cured herring is then placed in a barrel with juniper twigs or oak wood chips to be naturally smoked for a few days, imparting a distinctive smoky flavor. The finished dish is characterized by its sweet and smoky flavor, as well as its tender texture.Köömen is often served as an appetizer or snack, but may also be served as part of a main course with potatoes or with other sides. It is sometimes accompanied by sour cream or boiled eggs for added flavor. Many people also enjoy adding lemon juice to enhance the taste of the köömen.